”Better work environment with increased diversity”

LKAB sees great benefits of getting a larger proportion of women in workplaces and in leading positions. Experience shows, says the mining company, that the presence of women colleagues improves the physical and psychosocial work environment. Photo: LKAB

Swedish mining company LKAB has the ambition to attract more women to the company and to make women feel that they have a natural place there. The target is at least 25 per cent within three years.

- We are convinced that our workplaces will feel better and better if we have the same kind of composition of men and women as the society around us, says Elias Engman, mining manager in the ore mine.

LKAB also has a multiplier plan to support the work of a more inclusive company.

"It's as well about getting a good age spread and a better spread in terms of culture and ethnicity. We see the hidden potential in society, and we have been limiting ourselves a bit, "says Elias Engman.

How do we create space for the diversity in LKAB?

"It's about working harder on the basic things we've actually decided for a long time ago like values and inclusive attitudes and open atmosphere," says Elias Engman.

What should a workplace do to contribute to the goals that the LKAB Group has set up?

- It's in the working team things start and where things happen. The important thing is that will and courage exist. It's about how we behave. That we have managers and colleagues who say, "What are you saying, how are you thinking now?" if someone draws a bad story that crosses the limits of the good taste. That you really behave in accordance with the values that we say we will do. It is recruitment promotion because that reputation is spreading quickly, says Cecilia Olsson, HR Manager, Division Södra.

- This is not just about changes coming from the top. It is up to every individual as well. That we take personal responsibility for how we act, what we do and what we say. When we get new colleagues, the reason is to be open and inclusive and try to bring new employees to the group, it's a pretty good start, "says Elias Engman.

"In recent years, we have had the opportunity to appoint the majority of female managers in the mine and it feels that it has become a good move in the working groups in general. We have received new impulses and it is noticeable. We are convinced that it has a positive impact on our productivity and on our long-term profitability, "says Elias Engman.

"I want to emphasize that this is about finding the right person with the right skills for the job, we just want more people to understand that a job in the mine can be something for them," says Cecilia Olsson.

Source: LKAB