"No need for a radical change of the Finnish Mining Act from 2011"

The new investigation will show how the Finnish mining law works in relation to the goals set in the Mining Act and how the relationship between the Mining Act and other central legislation on mining operations works. Image: Keliber OY

The study on development in the Finnish mining legislation is progressing. The preliminary observations in Juris Doctor Pekka Vihervuori's study on development needs in the mining legislation show that there is no need for a radical change of the Mining Act from 2011.

However, the need for change has emerged regarding the relationship between the Mining Act and other legislation that applies to mines. The final report with recommended measures will be published on June 15, 2019

On 1 March 2019, the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy, in co-operation with the Ministry of the Environment, appointed a lawyer, Pekka Vihervuori, to investigate and evaluate how the mining law works in relation to the goals set in the Act and how the relationship between the Mining Act and other central legislation on mining operations works.

For the investigation, responses were obtained from stakeholder groups through a comprehensive questionnaire and a consultation meeting aimed at key players on April 2, 2019. In addition, there has been an open possibility to submit comments on the website dinåsikt.fi. The survey on mining and mining legislation can be answered in the service of the dinåsikt.fi.

The comments received by the investigation show so far that there has also been criticisms and comments on various change needs in a versatile way, both in the comprehensive system-related issues and in many details. On the other hand, the proposals have often been very different or contradictory, which is understandable in view of the nature of mining.

However, a comprehensive change to the Mining Act from 2011 was generally not considered to be justified in the comments, says the investigator. According to the investigator's preliminary recommendations, there is also no reason for a radical change. On the other hand, based on the comments and other investigations, it has emerged that there are potential development needs in the relationship between the Mining Act and other legislation that applies to mines. The preliminary observations and recommendations stated in the memorandum are supplemented in the investigator's final report, which will be published on June 15, 2019.